“When time came to ‘grow up’, I packed my guitar up and left for Berklee. You can say I ran away from the rat race to secure a job and a future that simply was not there. But I also wanted to inspire other people, I wanted them to think: ‘If he can follow his dreams, perhaps I can, too!'”
For more than 10 years, Simon has travelled the world studying, experimenting, performing his music: U.S., U.K., Italy, Hungary have all been “home” at one point or another.
Inspired by different places and experiences, Simon wrote and recorded dozens of musical pieces, from pop songs to orchestral pieces, from raw blues numbers to sound collages. His unmistakable trademarks? A strong sense for catchy melodies and shifting harmonies.

“I never consciously tried to be different at all costs. My goal has always been to write and perform the best music I could.”
Simon’s work has always been album oriented. Three of them have already been issued, with remaster sessions being discussed for some time in the future.
But there are also new adventures on the horizon. The impetuous folk of Another Story of Fiddle and Beers and a host of new project (collecting ideas that have been developed in the last 5 years) are proving to be fertile ground for Simon’s musical seeds.
“My mother fell severely ill in early 2012, and I thought it was the end of my music career. I had to go back home and take care of her. But I never really stopped composing and playing. True, I haven’t done much in the way of recording, but I’ve been learning how to operate a studio, and that will change soon.”

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