Ep. 003: George Martin Is Born And Other Stories

A birthday, the start of a tour, and a second day of rehearsals are among the highlights of this episode of What A Fab Day, the podcast telling you the day by day story of the Beatles. Today, we will focus on what happened on the 3rd of January.

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Episode Description

0:00 – Introduction.
0:22 – In 1926, George Martin is born.
2:00 – In 1962, the Beatles perform twice at the Cavern Club in Liverpool.
2:37 – In 1963, the Beatles begin their Scottish tour.
2:18 – In 1964, there is a sharp disagreement between Brian Epstein and the BBC.
5:22 – The ninth night of The Beatles Christmas Show is staged.
5:32 – In 1969, the Beatles are filmed during the second day of rehearsals for the Get Back project.
8:57 – In 1970, George Harrison, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr record I Me Mine.
10:07 – Conclusion.

Thanks to Alessandro d’Amito, Chiara Colafemmina, Daniele Monterisi, Fabio Ingegno, and Mariella Tarantino.
Bibliography for the series.
List of all the songs rehearsed during the Get Back project.
Jack Parr reminiscing the broadcast, with the actual 1964 broadcast.

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Ep. 002: The Beatles’ Get Back Project Begins And Other Stories

A stall due to bad weather and the start of a troubled project are among the highlights of this episode of What A Fab Day, the podcast telling you the day by day story of the Beatles. Today, we will focus on what happened on the 2nd of January.

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Episode Description

0:00 – Introduction.
0:35 – In 1963, the Bealtes cancel the first date of their Scottish tour.
1:41 – In 1964, the Beatles play the 8th night of The Beatles’ Christmas Special.
2:35 – In 1965, the Beatles play the 8th night of Another Beatles Christmas Show.
3:41 – In 1967, copies of the master of two songs were made in Abbey Road.
4:02 – In 1969, the Beatles are filmed during the first day of rehearsals for the Get Back project.
13:49 – Conclusion.

Thanks to Alessandro d’Amito, Chiara Colafemmina, Daniele Monterisi, Fabio Ingegno, and Mariella Tarantino.
Bibliography for the series.

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Ep. 001: The Beatles’ Decca Audition And Other Stories

An audition at Decca, performances for a couple of Christmas productions, and the arrival of a director are among the highlights of this episode of What A Fab Day, the podcast telling you the day by day story of the Beatles. Today, we will focus on what happened on the 1st of January of each and every year, plus those events taking place during the various Januaries (if a specific date couldn’t be pinned down).

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Episode Description

0:00 – Introduction.
1:03 – In January 1958, the Quarrymen become a more or less stable skiffle quintet.
1:52 – In 1959, a not-too-successful performance leaves the Quarrymen without a drummer.
3:27 – In January 1960, the Quarrymen find a stable bass player.
5:02 – In January 1961, Paul McCartney becomes the bass player of the Beatles.
6:27 – In 1962, the Beatles have an audition at Decca Records.
9:29 – In January 1962, the Beatles are hired to go to Hamburg for a second time.
10:31 – In 1963, the Beatles return to London from Hamburg.
10:42 – In 1964, the Beatles perform in The Beatles’ Christmas Special.
12:02 – In January 1964, the American press start focussing on the Beatles during their Paris residency.
12:29 – Brian Epstein negotiates two American engagements for the Beatles.
13:10 – In 1965, the Beatles perform in Another Beatles Christmas Show.
14:23 – Radio Luxemburg starts a weekly programme about the Beatles.
14:55 – In January 1967, director Peter Goldmann arrives in London.
15:36 – Conclusion.

Thanks to Alessandro d’Amito, Chiara Colafemmina, Daniele Monterisi, Fabio Ingegno, and Mariella Tarantino.
Bibliography for the series.

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What A Fab Day: Introduction

An introduction to What A Fab Day, why I think you want to follow the podcast and a little promise to you, the listeners. It is a lot of listening but I think you’ll find the ride worth your time!

Listen to the episode or download it

Episode Description

You’ll find a brief summary of the episode below. If you need subtitles, I’d advise you to check the episode out on YouTube.
Please, remember that What A Fab Day, like all my other series, is a labour of love. If you happen to have suggestions, please contact me: it might take time for me to reply, but I’ll try to answer to every message, and listen to all the constructive criticism.
If you can, please support me: I need help to keep producing free content and to improve its quality and you can make a difference… even without spending a single penny!

0:00 – Introduction.
0:29 – What is What A Fab Day?
1:20 – What is included and what is left out.
1:55 – Why you should listen to the podcast.
2:16 – The problems with the existing material.
3:28 – The time consuming option.
3:52 – Who I am and what I have done for you.
4:42 – My promise to you.
5:43 – Thank you corner.
6:05 – Conclusion.

Thank You

I would like to thank some friends that have helped me out while preparing the podcast, discussing ideas and graphics and all sort of things. They are:
Alessandro d’Amito, Chiara Colafemmina, Daniele Monterisi, Fabio Ingegno, and Mariella Tarantino.
While the mistakes are all mine, whatever merit this podcast has, is certainly due to their input.

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