A fruitful recording session, a drink with old money, and a collaboration with a Maurice Gibb of Bee Gees are among the highlights of this episode of What A Fab Day, the podcast telling you the day by day story of the Beatles. Today, we focus on the 5th of March.
Episode Description
0:00 – Introduction.
0:29 – In 1961, the Beatles play at the Casbah Coffee Club in Liverpool.
0:43 – In 1962, the Beatles have a lunchtime gig at the Cavern Club in Liverpool and an evening performance in the Kingway Club in Southport.
1:01 – In 1963, the Beatles have a photo session in the morning.
1:25 – In the afternoon, they record Thank You Girl, From Me To You and One After 909.
3:32 – In 1964, the Beatles continue filming A Hard Day’s Night.
3:48 – In the evening they have a drink at an Oxfam’s fundraiser.
4:09 – In 1965, the Beatles keep filming Help! in the Bahamas.
4:26 – In 1970, Ringo Starr completes Whispering Grass and Bye Bye Blackbird for his debut solo LP.
4:59 – Conclusion.
Thanks to Alessandro d’Amito, Chiara Colafemmina, Daniele Monterisi, Fabio Ingegno, and Mariella Tarantino.
Bibliography for the series.
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