A return to Hamburg, the Beatles not winning any award for once, and an Indian-flavoured recording are among the highlights of this episode of What A Fab Day, the podcast telling you the day by day story of the Beatles. Today, we focus on the 15th of March.
Episode Description
0:00 – Introduction.
0:28 – In 1961, Stu Sutcliffe returns to Hamburg.
0:58 – The Beatles back in Hamburg?
1:35 – The Beatles play a lunchtime concert at the Cavern Club and an evening gig at the Liverpool Jazz Society.
2:02 – In 1962, the Beatles perform a lunchtime gig at the Cavern Club…
2:11 – …and at The Beatles’ Farewell Party at the Storyville Jazz Club.
2:43 – In 1963, the Beatles play the Colston Hall Bristol.
3:29 – In 1965, the Bealtes keep working on the alpine secenes for Help!.
3:45 – In Abbey Road, Norman Smith completes a new mono mix of Ticket To Ride.
4:02 – In 1966, the Beatles don’t win any Grammy Award.
4:38 – In 1967, the Beatles record the rhythm track of Within You Without You.
5:50 – In 1968, Lady Madonna iss released as a single.
6:15 – In 1970, Ringo Starr shoots the video for Sentimental Journey.
7:15 – Conclusion.
Thanks to Alessandro d’Amito, Chiara Colafemmina, Daniele Monterisi, Fabio Ingegno, and Mariella Tarantino.
Bibliography for the series.
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