A breakthrough for the recording career of the Fab Four, a meeting with Bob Dylan, and another bitter argument during the band’s long death are among the highlights of this episode of What A Fab Day, the podcast telling you the day by day story of the Beatles. Today, we focus on what happened to the Fab Four on the 9th of May.
Episode Description
0:00 – Introduction.
0:30 – In 1961, the Beatles play at the Top Ten club in Hamburg, West Germany.
0:43 – In 1962, Brian Epstein meets George Martin to follow through his promise to record the Beatles.
2:13 – The Beatles are on the stage of the Star-Club in Hamburg.
2:22 – In 1965, the Beatles keep on filming Help!
3:11 – At night, they meet Bob Dylan after watching him live at the Royal Albert Hall.
3:27 – In 1966, Paul and Ringo record For No One.
4:48 – In 1967, the Beatles record a 16 minute instrumental jam that will not be released.
5:35 – In 1969, George’s Electronic Sound and John’s and Yoko’s Unfinished Music No. 2 are released today.
6:45 – The Beatles have a mixing session with Glyn Johns that ends up in a fight.
9:01 – Paul participates to Steve Miller’s My Dark Hour.
9:37 – Conclusion.
Thanks to Alessandro d’Amito, Chiara Colafemmina, Daniele Monterisi, Fabio Ingegno, and Mariella Tarantino.
Bibliography for the series.
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