Don Zauker

(c) 2017 Simon Mas, (p) 2017 Simon Mas

Appears On…

<<Unissued on album>>


Dan Baune: guitar solo
Giovanni Durst: drums
Simon Mas: bass, keyboads, guitar, voice, producer, sound engineer


cammino per strada, la notte nel cuore, la vita ormai è così un lungo cadere, un freddo tramonto, luoghi comuni a morir cerco la luce ma un dubbio mi assale: cosa succede qui? mi sento idiota, mi sento persa, sogno un reality cerco un volto amico: chi mi aiuterà? solitaria e dannata, mi sento sprofondar. “ferma ragazza” mi dice calmo “non piagnucolar io andavo a troie, ma se vuoi una mano basta fare la carità!” indica una chiesa e mi sorride nel suo abito talar “vieni pecorella, fatti aiutare!” ma non riesco a camminar… forse è quella luce strana che brilla fredda nei sui occhi che mi gela cuore e membra e non so più capire se lui è male o bene, ormai! il diavolo è stronzolo già lo si sa ma noi siam confusi noi non capiam perciò alla chiesa proni ci affidiam se scegliere il male non è libertà ma turpe pensiero contro cui lottiam aimè a mani nude, con caparbietà ci serve un gra duce che ci porterà quella pace eterna che tutti aneliam mani possenti e cuore d’acciaio come se fosse jeeg il nostro uomo ha anche una verga come quelle dei film di rocco e nacho, ma c’importa una sega: loro sono empietà ma di don zauker, lode al signore, una malattia facciam don zauker: santo patrono di potte ed epicità don zauker: il fine ed il mezzo uniti con semplicità don zauker: si erge ignorante contro la malvagità don zauker: ed il concistoro presto si svuolterà di inutili parole contro l’azione sua e coso, nostro signore, in zauker trionferà don zauker: santo patrono di potte ed epicità don zauker: si erge ignorante, il diavolo la puppa già don zauker: venga il suo regno, sia fatta la sua volontà don zauker, don zauker, don zauker.


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One Short Commercial

(c) 2003 Simon Mas (p) 2011 Simon Mas

Appears On…

Return Of The Ulyesses


Liam Gaughan: recording engineer
Massimiliano Stano: mixing and mastering engineer
Matthew Roberts: drums, percussions, vocals
Peter Morris: bass, producer, vocals
Simon Mas: vocals, guitars, producer



well the working day is getting closer     and you, you’re still unsatisfied     you turn around still feeling nothing     still craving for that something you don’t have. it seems your unconfessed desires     conspire to poison your icy blood up     now you still lack a formal identity     and have no commercial sex appeal. just before your new ambitions     could engulf you in pain and lies     so many answers will be heard     no need to conjure your brains up     so close to heaven     so close to eternal life     just another short commercial     before giving up.


Alternative version, recorded in 2005. With Georgia Seddon (drums), John Gregson (guitar), Peter Morris (bass), Simon Mas (voice, guitar).

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(c)2007 Simon Mas (p) 2011 Simon Mas

Appears On…

Return Of The Ulysses


Liam Gaughan: recording engineer
Massimiliano Stano: mixing and mastering engineer
Matthew Roberts: drums
Peter Morris: bass, producer
Simon Mas: vocals, guitars, keyboards, producer



they look so good     they must feel well     i’m not so sure i can say the same:     a bit too fat     not enough hair     they look so good     i am a mess. the gods are here     they just look swell     they’re never old     they don’t even sweat     i’m not as cool,     i was born old     what can i do to be like them? i try to smoke     to lose some weight     buy some new clothes     to look like them     i try to think     to find some way     my mind just aches,     my mind is dead. not hip enough     i just feel shame     it doesn’t work     the pain’s still here.     i cannot live and feel this way     i cannot live!     oh, what a waste! hey, doctor, listen here     i don’t seem to be able to face my own life     come on now, i need some pills     to help me keep my breath and stop my sighs     they are looking at me     from magazine covers and TV screens     doc, i really need some pills     to overcome confusion and be free! now i feel new     i smile again     feeling complete at day break     i have my pills     i couldn’t care less     i have my pills     my pills are sex! i am a god!     i am the best!     now i feel goo, don’t feel regret     here i stand tall,     here i attest:     my pills are life     my pills are great!


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Tend To Me

(c) 2011 Simon Mas (p) 2011 Simon Mas

Appears On…

Return Of The Ulysses


Liam Gaughan: recording engineer
Massimiliano Stano: mixing and mastering engineer
Matthew Roberts: drums
Peter Morris: bass, producer
Simon Mas: vocals, guitars, keyboards, producer



i feel i’m losing strength     my body couldn’t stand without a helping hand     i’m stuck half conscious where i lay. i’m losing faith these days     reality seems strained and lost into a dream     that seems so very far away. stop your worrying voice from striking me with poison darts     can we talk about it later?     now i need you to come rushing back. i’m losing touch with myself     my body feels like slipping into a distance     whence there’s no coming back. stop your whispering voice from lecturing me about my idleness     can’t you see i’m not myself?     i really need you to come rushing back, and tend to me     no matter what the hell you think i’ve done     tend to me     i might look safe but i’m not whole nor in control     tend to me     i’m missing any reason not to let things go     tend to me     i need your healing cares     now!


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