An introduction to What A Fab Day, why I think you want to follow the podcast and a little promise to you, the listeners. It is a lot of listening but I think you’ll find the ride worth your time!
Episode Description
You’ll find a brief summary of the episode below. If you need subtitles, I’d advise you to check the episode out on YouTube.
Please, remember that What A Fab Day, like all my other series, is a labour of love. If you happen to have suggestions, please contact me: it might take time for me to reply, but I’ll try to answer to every message, and listen to all the constructive criticism.
If you can, please support me: I need help to keep producing free content and to improve its quality and you can make a difference… even without spending a single penny!
0:00 – Introduction.
0:29 – What is What A Fab Day?
1:20 – What is included and what is left out.
1:55 – Why you should listen to the podcast.
2:16 – The problems with the existing material.
3:28 – The time consuming option.
3:52 – Who I am and what I have done for you.
4:42 – My promise to you.
5:43 – Thank you corner.
6:05 – Conclusion.
Thank You
I would like to thank some friends that have helped me out while preparing the podcast, discussing ideas and graphics and all sort of things. They are:
Alessandro d’Amito, Chiara Colafemmina, Daniele Monterisi, Fabio Ingegno, and Mariella Tarantino.
While the mistakes are all mine, whatever merit this podcast has, is certainly due to their input.
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